The story centers around Reno Miller (Ferrara), a painter struggling to make ends meet. He shares an apartment with his girlfriend Carol (Carolyn Marz) and her friend Pamela (Baybi Day). Despite being urged by Carol to finish his painting of a buffalo faster in order to pay the bills, Reno refuses, believing in the integrity of his art. The Roosters, a punk rock band, soon move into the apartment complex and begin practicing loudly at all hours. Reno's inability to concentrate worsens his already apparent madness, until he finally snaps and begins using an electric drill to murder the homeless.
After finally being completed, Reno's painting is rejected by the head of the art gallery, Dalton Briggs (Harry Schultz). Fed up, Carol leaves him for her ex-husband, Stephen (Richard Howorth). In retaliation, Reno invites Briggs to dinner and drills him to death. Pamela returns to find the corpse, and becomes a victim herself. In his final act of revenge, Reno breaks into Stephen and Carol's house, and kills Stephen while Carol is in the shower.
Whatever. more info.
Maybe that dude is in the Roosters, and by "punk rock" they meant "glam punk", like the Scissor Sisters?
Also, how does your favorite line not have the word "homeless" in it?
bob are you fucking kidding me? "Despite being urged by Carol to finish his painting of a buffalo faster in order to pay the bills, Reno refuses, believing in the integrity of his art."
right now i'm going to call that my favorite sentence, ever, period, until something better comes along. doubtful.
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