Monday, May 18, 2009

\\\ i <3 twitter is so cool. everyone's totally joining it. its the new tech sensation, sweeping the nation. heck of fools join and then get bored and dont really get into it and then quit. mad fools join and get into it and then have conversations with friends in a public forum as if they were having conversations with friends very loudly in a public forum in real life. because i use up some of my witty, clever, funny thoughts on twitter, i can't use them in real life, which sucks. i also can't blog about them. or can i?

this weekend was my cousin priya's sweet 16 at akbar restaurant in long island. (where do sweet 16s come from? what demographics of people have them?)

akbar used to be right near roosevelt field mall. one time my friend james went there and saw lawrence taylor eating there. since then they moved to stuart avenue and now have 2 party halls in addition to the sweet ass restaurant. since my large indian family of 17 or so cousins plus aunts and uncles have been here in the 80s, we've been having all of our wedding functions, sweet 16s, anniversaries, etc. etc. at akbar. its an integral part of my life, really.

anyway, i live tweeted priya's sweet 16 because i was so bored since my cousins are lame and i wasnt getting REALLY drunk and i couldn't do any, like, klonopins or nothing.

here are my tweets plus some photos!!!

Watching little Indian kids running around, playing, at Akbar Restaurant. Feeling like I've become too "American." 8:05 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Will live tweet my cousin Priya's Sweet 16 from Akbar Restaurant in Long Island. 9:18 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

No one here looks like they wear American Apparel. In fact, 90 percent of the women here are wearing Indian apparel. 9:19 PM May 16th

My cousins Rahul, Sahil, and Rohit were just called up to light a candle to the song Louis Rag by TI and Swizzy. I waved my dinner napkin. 9:32 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Kajra Re is still an enjoyable song. 9:33 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

I was called up with my fam to light a candle. Priya said I'm always cracking jokes but I'm also always there to help her with life + school 9:39 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

The song Desi Girl from the hit film Dostana may very well be enjoyable. 9:41 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Several friends were called up to the Friends theme song by The Rembrandts. The 2nd verse and bridge of this jawn are severely underrated.
9:49 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

My cousin Puja is doing a dance performance to some "fusion" song that sounds like Bollywood and Lady Gaga,so "okay" and trash, respectively
10:03 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Three aunts have said I resemble the tragic hero of the film Devdas because of my beard. In that film, Devdas drinks himself to death.
10:16 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Two aunts have asked me when I'm going to get married. One aunt said I look like Randhir Kapoor - no idea who that is. 10:17 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Thinking about hitting the dance floor and gettin lite to this Bhangra. If you're unfamiliar, peep some youtubes of cats that "get lite"
10:26 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Punjabi cats put it down on the floor. We're no joke with bhangra. Johnny Walker Black Label bottles getting bodied by drunk uncles. 10:55 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Def more adults wilding on the floor than kids. Dinners served. MAD on point. Onion Kulchas with that ChickenMakhni, paneer, okra, aloo. Yea
11:17 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

The kids went nuts for some Ciara and Flo Rida song. I told my 13 year old cousin Megha that Flo Rida sucks. She sd "I love Flo Rida."
11:34 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Wow! The teens really love Flo Rida! Everyones mouthing the words to this HORRENDOUS "you spin my head right round." 11:36 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

3 Flo Rida songs in a row into Lady Gaga. As if the unoriginal name wasn't a giveaway, NEVER go with Bollywood DJs for ur Sweet 16 everyone.
11:41 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Triple auntie cheek assault. People are beginning to trickle out. Finna dip and head back to BK soon. Drinking scotch with my cousin Tarun.
11:51 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Holy Shit. My moms and hella ladies in saris doing the Macarena.... Finally, @
souljaboytellem is on - wish this was cookies n applejuiceeee 11:59 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry

Thanks for following the live twittering fest tonight y'all. Priya had a great birthday. My cousin Neha's Sweet 16 is next month. Til then!
12:09 AM May 17th from TwitterBerry

***Also, my friend James and I watched Sex and the City: The Movie last night and live-tweeted our thoughts on the film for way too long. So... I'll put that up soon enough.

Also, if you haven't seen it, this:

1 comment:

Dap said...

this was great fun~~~!!

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