Here's our interview with Will They Grow?'s Martina. I think we covered a wide range of topics with these five questions. Enough to give ya'll a better of idea of whose behind the nipples.
Are you familiar with the Honeymooners? Do you think that show's funny at all? Sometimes, late at night, I get a very nostalgic feeling for a past that's not mine, and enjoy the show. Other times I get angry at Alice for being a "sassy" woman whose basically just a compliant housewife. Am I off-base?
I know exactly what you mean, because this is how I feel about the show Friends. It's really not a good show at all, but when it comes on in reruns in the middle of the night, I feel a longing for it to be my personal history. I always think, "Why don't I have a large close group of friends like this, who always say witty things and have serious hair cuts?" But then sometimes, I'm like "Are you really that stupid? Do any of you even have jobs??" Plus, I can never figure out how old they're supposed to be. They act like they're 25, but they are somehow able to afford that giant apartment overlooking Central Park.
When a girl walks by on say, a Saturday night, and I jokingly say something like 'What's really hood?' under my breath but loud enough for the girl to hear, is this inappropriate? It's not quite cat-calling but it might still be construed as a violation of somebody's 'personal space'. Should I stop doing this? (ADDITIONAL INFO: I normally have a very non-threatening demeanor and physical appearance)
Aliens have landed on earth, they are exactly like human beings in every single way except for their skin color. It's a color we've never seen human beings be before. What color would you want it to be? Basically I'm asking you what your favorite color is, with limited options.
I'd like to see the aliens have deep yellow skin, like on The Simpsons. If Carrot Top had yellow skin, he'd look like Sideshow Bob. If Bob Barker had yellow skin, he'd look like Mr. Burns. I like to think that my yellow skin counterpart would be that cool babysitter that Bart had a crush on. She was rad.
What cell phone service do you use? Are you satisfied?
Do you think all the access that children these days have to technology/social networks will lead to them being awkward in "real-life" situations and ultimately lead to them having less sex? What do you think of 'kids today'? (KIDS: 10-18 years old)
In-depth Interview with Martina:
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holy shit i'm in love with this woman
yo me too
word. can't wait til her tits is done growing.
soon she'll be a titful wonder
she makes me wanna start a counter-blog called 'will it grow'
which would be one post long
what a babe. she has good style too, as shown in her june 21st photo with cool colored plaid shirt. no homo.
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