Sunday, September 28, 2008

Music: TV on the Radio Stop by Letterman

Along with the soundtracks to Pyaasa and Kaagaz Ke Phool, which I remembered owning while watching Fanaa this past weekend, TV on the Radio's "Dear Science," has been in very heavy rotation. Check out this interview in Gothamist with Kyp Malone:

I thought this quote on the title was kinda cool:
"The original germ of the idea comes from a note that Dave [Sitek] wrote in the studio that said, 'Dear Science, please start solving problems and curing diseases or shut the fuck up.'"

Here's the band on Letterman this past week performing Dancing Choose, which is a grower but still one of the weaker songs on the album. I'm eager to see how the songs will sound live.

In this older interview on Gothamist I got a kick out of this:

Gothamist: Tell us about the afro.
Kyp: I don't have an afro. I wear my hair in a style called a natural. It's what happens if you're black and you grow your hair long and don't process it or braid it , I recommend it to anyone who has the genetic ability to rock it. It is a good barometer of who I need to take seriously in regards to their reaction towards it. It's just fucking hair.

If you don't know what he's talking about, here's a photo of Kyp with his natural (pre-haircut) and my Minority Report family: Chung and Sara'o.

And speaking of Sara'o, here's an article he sent me about Vivienne Westwood using larger male models with a note that said "It's your world pa". We all know I'm trying to kill it out here with the plus sized male modeling.

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