Monday, August 31, 2009

/////////art + interview: aakash nihalani

I woke up late for work again. I woke up and I thought, "hey man, what did we do last night?" and then i thought "HEY, shut up dude. you're late for work. think about it in the shower".


Aakash Nihalani is an artist dood who uses the streets as a canvas to paint with tape. Wait..... Aakash Nihalani is an artist dood who uses tape to paint the streets. Wait....

I heard the term "paint the town red" originally referred to murdering native americans and using their blood to .....

Ever seen a fluorescent 3-dimensional geometric tape jawn on the floor or on a wall? Thas brooklyn-based artist dood Aakash Nihalani right there.



there's a whole lot going on in new york. when you grow up here, you're stuck here. you can go to other cities but you'll always come back. this city can drive you mad. there's a whole lot going on in new york.

there's so much going on that sometimes you forget to stop and look around. hey guys ------ STOP and look AROUND.

aakash nihalani rolls around the streets of new york using tape to highlight the little geometric complexities this city has to offer. for real, it's like the city's a book and his tape is a highlighter pointing out little things that you may overlook.

i had an internet interview with aakash and these are the results. (note: i asked him what his cell phone provider was [a la dap] but he didn't answer that one question.)

\\\\\What would you doodle as a child?
-I wrote more than I drew when I was younger. I don't really remember my writings were kinda dark though.

\\\\\\How good are you at math? Were you particularly fond of geometry?
-My math skills are par, but I have no particular interest.

\\\\\Have you ever been into graffiti?
-Not really...

\\\\What do your parents think of you being an artist?
-I think you'd have to ask them that. Want my dad's email?

\\\\What would you do if you werent an artist
- Be unhappy.

\\\\\I see you fuck with Bose Pacea (a south asian themed art gallery). How much are you influenced by Indian artists - mughal miniatures, husein and the like?
-I can't say I've been influenced by any Indian artists....did you hear Bose Pacia is moving to DUMBO?

\\\\Which do you prefer - street art or "fine" art? And why? Is there a difference? Something about adrenaline?
-Working in the street is definitely more exciting, given the nature of New York City. But I enjoy making work in the studio, and I thoroughly enjoy showing it in galleries.

\\\\\\\Do you watch tv at all? If so, which tv shows are you particularly fond of? I haven't owned a tv for a few years now and can't say I want one. I get my fill in when I'm at friends...

\\\\\\\Read any good books lately?
No, but I want to read some good ones soon. Any suggestions?


KOOL A.D. said...

holler at this dude's dad for real

JamesDewey said...

reminder: get at this guy's dad.

actually, his dad would probably be a lot more interested in talking about dude's work than actual dude is. less self conscious.

also, as a consumer I'm genuinely interested in how people feel about their cell phone providers so please let this guy's dad know that this is not a throw away question.

Eric Rex said...

i REALLY like the cube cloud w/ gatorade bolt. i've never seen this guy's work before. thanks!

bob weisz said...

dude can't throw up a triangle every once in awhile? no homo.

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