5) Jaoquin Phoenix dies
4) Charlie Sheen receives oral sex from teenager
3) Tarantino says "n-word" a bunch in his next movie. Spike Lee gets his britches all in a twist
2) Well-behaved bear elected to California senate
1) Jews finally take a hint, all relocate to Israel "where they belong"
0) Just kidding about that last one
-1) Either people get angry or don't give a shit about the fact that I posted a picture of Muhammed
-2) Beer consumed by people
My Favorite Films and Performances of 2019
4 years ago
careful... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/01/apparent-attack-against-m_n_409176.html
Thanks for the heads up. I'll wear my axe-proof flannel.
i noticed you claimed you were just kidding to appease the jews but did no such thing for the muslims. YOU KNOW THAT AINT RIGHT
Calling em out on here, vigiliant Himanshu. This post is good.
fantastic. i'm now looking forward to the year..
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